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Send a family on a once in a lifetime holiday and share in the rewards of creating it.

6 nights Stay at The Taj Mahal Hotel, New Delhi.

One of the most significant Mughal Empire architectural marvels still stands in all its beauty and finesse in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. The Taj Mahal is a white marble built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. In Arabic, the Taj Mahal is known as "crown of palaces". It is said to be the jewel of Islamic art in a nation that is predominantly Hindu. 

1. The Taj Mahal was built by a whopping 22,000 laborers, painters, stonecutters, embroidery artists.

2. Legend has it that Emperor Shah Jahan intended to build another Taj Mahal in black marble across the river but a war with his sons interrupted these plans.

3. The changing moods of the Emperors wife are well captured by the changing hues of the Mausoleum at different times of the day. It takes a pinkish hue in the morning, milky white in the evening and golden at night when illuminated by moonlight.

4. It intricate work of art and architectural genius took 17 years to complete.

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that is taken away when blindness is avoidable.

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