so many possibilities

2.2 billion people around the world have a vision impairment.

Gift Sight Foundation mission is to eliminate avoidable blindness by creating a cycle of sustainable vision care. Join us as we lay the foundation to turn the problem of curable blindness into an opportunity for communities to create more jobs and increase access to eye care.


80% of world blindness is avoidable. We're on a mission to help more people see.

We're making vision care more accessible around the world. The strategic impact of iGS’s work will go beyond treating vision impairment and blindness. Our ultimate goal is not just to improve the eye health in our target areas of intervention, but to empower communities to take ownership of their eye health.


You can make a difference.

Together we can change the world.
Become a donor and become a part of a community made of generous, passionate, and driven people from around the globe.


Contact Gift Sight Foundation if you are interested in working with our team.

Partners & Membership


Your money goes directly to patient care which covers eye care, supplies, and glasses.

Changing Lives!

Here are the facts

Over 80% of vision impairment or blindness is avoidable or treatable. Learn how Gift Sight Foundation and our generous supporters are helping take eye care to those in need.

75% Vision impairment and blindness is avoidable or treatable.

1.1 billion+ Globally, live with vision loss.

Goal 17

We are aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

The ultimate goal of the SDGs is to leave no one behind, which lines up perfectly with our objective to provide the best care to every single person, regardless of personal characteristics or ability to pay for care.

Changing People's Lives for the BETTER!

We need your help.


The World Health Organization estimates that global demand for eye care will triple by 2050 because of population growth, aging, and lifestyle changes. This poses a considerable challenge to health systems.

Donate and Give Sight 

75% of vision loss is treatable or preventable.

Vision is a Human Right,

that is taken away when blindness is avoidable.

Make a Visual Impact

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Vision is a Human Right,

that is taken away when blindness is avoidable.

2024  All rights reserved.

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